
アコースティック・ギターにスラッピングを取り入れたプレイスタイルと、透明感のある歌声が各所話題になり、弱冠19歳で2018年アメリカ・テキサス州オースティンで行われた大型フェス「SXSW 2018」に出演。
帰国後、2018年8月8日に4曲入りE.P『at ONE』でメジャー・デビュー、タイトルには「Anna Takeuchiの1枚目」という意味が込められている。収録楽曲「ALRIGHT」は全国22ヶ所のパワープレイを獲得した。
2020年3月18日に待望の1st ALBUM『MATOUSIC』をリリース。収録楽曲「RIDE ON WEEKEND」はWOWOWオリジナルドラマ「有村架純の撮休」主題歌としても話題になった。
他にもJ-WAVE「TOKIO HOT 100」キャンペーンソング「Love Your Love」、フジテレビ系列「セブンルール」インフォマーシャルソングであり、FM802の2020年10月度ヘビーローテーション楽曲「+imagination」などが収録されている。
デビュー5年目の令和五年、自身5枚目となる5曲入りE.P「at FIVE」を2月22日にリリース。
Artist Profile
Born in Los Angeles in 1998 and raised in Kyoto (Japan), Anna Takeuchi is a singer-songwriter currently pursuing a music career while still in college. Anna was Influenced by her parents at young age with music from the 70's and the 80's. She decided to start learning guitar when she was in junior high school.
Anna held her first successful solo show during her 1st year of high school. While continuing her own shows regularly, she also performed at many events and won awards at notable contests. Her fluent acoustic guitar playing and singing both in Japanese and English, combined with her soulful voice attracted attention by various people. In June 2017, Anna won an audition contest hosted by Sony Music Artists, an artist management company of Sony Music Japan group, and Teichiku Entertainment, a Japanese major music label among 10,000+ contestants. Now she is set to make a major label debut in 2018, and in the midst of attracting even wider attention..
With her unique playing style on the acoustic guitar and her clear singing voice, Anna had announced that she will be performing at the famous SXSW 2018 this coming March along with a US tour. Emerging as the next generation singer-song-writer, Anna sings songs holding hopes and anxieties, swinging between freedom and responsibilities, and resonating with the people of the same generation..
Takeuchi Anna
- レーベル
- Imperial Record
- フォーマット
- LP
- 販売価格
- ¥3500 (without tax)
- 品番
- TEJI-38074
- JANコード
- 4988004170522
デビュー5年目にして5枚目となる記念碑的E.P。先行シングルで話題沸騰!ハイパーポップな「あいたいわ」ジャズトランペッター黒田卓也氏とトラックメイカーMarcus Dを招いての「made my day」激エモギターポップな「サヨナラ」など、シリーズイチカラフルな1枚。
A monumental E.P that will be the 5th album after 5 years of debut. The topic boils with the preceding single! One of the most colorful pieces in the series, such as the hyper pop "Aitaiwa", jazz trumpeter Takuya Kuroda and track maker Marcus D's "made my day", and the intense emo guitar pop "Sayonara".
Side A
生活 feat. パジャマで海なんかいかない
Side B
made my day feat. Takuya Kuroda / Marcus D
アコースティック・ギターにスラッピングを取り入れたプレイスタイルと、透明感のある歌声が各所話題になり、弱冠19歳で2018年アメリカ・テキサス州オースティンで行われた大型フェス「SXSW 2018」に出演。
帰国後、2018年8月8日に4曲入りE.P『at ONE』でメジャー・デビュー、タイトルには「Anna Takeuchiの1枚目」という意味が込められている。収録楽曲「ALRIGHT」は全国22ヶ所のパワープレイを獲得した。
2020年3月18日に待望の1st ALBUM『MATOUSIC』をリリース。収録楽曲「RIDE ON WEEKEND」はWOWOWオリジナルドラマ「有村架純の撮休」主題歌としても話題になった。
他にもJ-WAVE「TOKIO HOT 100」キャンペーンソング「Love Your Love」、フジテレビ系列「セブンルール」インフォマーシャルソングであり、FM802の2020年10月度ヘビーローテーション楽曲「+imagination」などが収録されている。
デビュー5年目の令和五年、自身5枚目となる5曲入りE.P「at FIVE」を2月22日にリリース。
Artist Profile
Born in Los Angeles in 1998 and raised in Kyoto (Japan), Anna Takeuchi is a singer-songwriter currently pursuing a music career while still in college. Anna was Influenced by her parents at young age with music from the 70's and the 80's. She decided to start learning guitar when she was in junior high school.
Anna held her first successful solo show during her 1st year of high school. While continuing her own shows regularly, she also performed at many events and won awards at notable contests. Her fluent acoustic guitar playing and singing both in Japanese and English, combined with her soulful voice attracted attention by various people. In June 2017, Anna won an audition contest hosted by Sony Music Artists, an artist management company of Sony Music Japan group, and Teichiku Entertainment, a Japanese major music label among 10,000+ contestants. Now she is set to make a major label debut in 2018, and in the midst of attracting even wider attention..
With her unique playing style on the acoustic guitar and her clear singing voice, Anna had announced that she will be performing at the famous SXSW 2018 this coming March along with a US tour. Emerging as the next generation singer-song-writer, Anna sings songs holding hopes and anxieties, swinging between freedom and responsibilities, and resonating with the people of the same generation..