仙台市出身。作曲家・伴盤奏者。東北大学卒業後、紆余曲折を経てバークリー音楽大学へ入学。ジャズ作曲と映像音楽、ゲーム音楽を専攻し首席で卒業。世界観を大切に作られた楽 曲は国際的にも評 価されている。2019ASCAP Foundation Herb Alpert Young Jazz ComposerAward、2020 ISJAC/USF Owen Prize を受賞! 2020 年 7月には、仙台を小旅行するというコンセプトでジャズアンサンブルと環境音を掛け合わせた全4楽章からなる組曲「Sound Map ←2020→ Sendai」を発表。ノネット編成をはじめ弦楽器やマリンバを取り入れたアンサンブル、小編成のバンドなど自己プロジェクトによる表現を行うほか、ビッグバンド等のジャズアンサンブル、TVCM やwebムービー、演劇、ゲーム、また、TV・ラジオ各局への楽曲・アレンジ提供や出演も行っている。(『小曽根真feat. No Name Horses』、朗読劇『バイオーム』、NHK『あの日、何をしていましたか?』、日本テレビ『全日本大学女子駅伝』、khb『ぐりりのうた』、NEXCO 東日本、日本郵 政、サ ン ベ ン デ ィ ン グ 東 北、App ゲ ー ム『EGGRYPTO』など。)このほか、アートや心理学など他領域とのコラボ、ナレーション録音など多様な活動を行っている。2022 年秋、初のリーダーアルバムをリリース。
Artist Profile
Born in Sendai City. Composer and accompanist. After graduating from Tohoku University After graduating from Tohoku University, he entered Berklee College of Music. Jazz Composition, Film Music, and Game Music. He majored in jazz composition, film music, and video game music, and graduated at the top of his class. He graduated at the top of his class, specializing in jazz composition, film music, and video game music. His world-oriented compositions have received international acclaim. ASCAP Foundation Herb Alpert Young Jazz Composer 2019 ASCAP Foundation Herb Alpert Young Jazz Composer Award, 2020 ISJAC/USF Owen Prize! In July 2020, he will make a short trip to Sendai. In July 2020, the group will present a jazz ensemble and environmental music performance based on the concept of a short trip to Sendai. In July 2020, he will perform "Sound Map ←2020", a four-movement suite that combines jazz ensemble and environmental sounds based on the concept of a short trip to Sendai. In July 2020, he will present "Sound Map ←2020→ Sendai", a suite of four movements combining jazz ensemble and environmental sounds based on the concept of a short trip to Sendai. Nonet's arrangement, strings and marimba The ensemble incorporates stringed instruments and marimba, including a nonet arrangement, expression through self-projects such as nonet arrangements, ensembles with strings and marimba, small bands, etc. In addition, he has performed in jazz ensembles such as big bands, TV commercials, web movies, plays, games, and TV commercials, web movies, plays, and games, as well as providing music and arrangements for TV and radio stations. He also provides music and arrangements for TV commercials, web movies, plays, games, and appears on TV and radio stations. (He has also provided music and arrangements for TV commercials, web movies, plays, and games, as well as for TV and radio stations. No Name Horses", reading play "Biome", NHK's "Ah! NHK's "What did you do on that day? (NHK's "What did you do that day?", Nippon Television Network Corporation's "All Japan University Women's Ekiden (All Japan University Women's Road Relay), Khb "Guriri Uta", NEXCO East Japan, Japan Post, San Ben de Japan Post, Sun Bending Tohoku, App Game, "EGGRYPTO," NHK, "What did you do on the day you were born? EGGRYPTO, etc.). In addition, we have collaborated with other fields such as art and psychology, and recorded narrations. In addition, he has collaborated with other fields such as art and psychology, and recorded narrations for a variety of activities. In the fall of 2022, he released his first leader album, which sold out in no time.
Eri Chichibu
Crossing Reality
Crossing Reality
- レーベル
- ReBorn Wood
- フォーマット
- LP
- 販売価格
- ¥4500 (without tax)
- 品番
- RBW-0034
- JANコード
- 4526180682592
ノネット編成をはじめ弦楽器やマリンバを取り入れたアンサンブル、小編成のバンドなど自己プロジェクトによる表現を行うほか、ビッグバンド等のジャズアンサンブル、TVCM や web ムービー、演劇、ゲーム、また、TV・ラジオ各局への楽曲・アレンジ提供や出演も行っているジャズ界の新星 “秩父英里”。2022 年秋、デビューアルバムにも拘わらず外資系チェーンのジャズ売り場を中心に異例の好セールスを記録し、「第 15 回 CD ショップ大賞 2023」地域ブロック賞 / 東北ブロック賞受賞と大絶賛された作品『Crossing Reality』が待望のレコード化決定!彼女自身の自然や心理学、経験からインスピレーションを受けて制作した 8 曲が NY と日本の先鋭ミュージシャンによるラージ・アンサンブルにより聴く者により壮大な風景を感じさせる。2022 年に NEXCO 東日本の企業 CM「地域と未来をつなぐ道」に使われ一躍有名になった「green and winds」収録。
In addition to performing in nonet formations, string ensembles, marimba ensembles, and small bands, she also performs in jazz ensembles such as big bands, TV commercials, web movies, plays, and games, as well as providing music and arrangements for TV and radio stations and making appearances. Eri Chichibu, a rising star in the jazz world, recorded exceptionally strong sales of her debut album in the autumn of 2022, mainly in the jazz section of a foreign-affiliated chain, and won the Regional Block Award / Tohoku Block Award at the “15th CD Shop Award 2023”. The long-awaited release of “Crossing Reality” is now available on vinyl! Inspired by nature, psychology, and her own experiences, the eight songs are performed by a large ensemble of cutting-edge musicians from New York and Japan to create a more spectacular landscape for the listener. The song “green and winds” is included in the album.
A1. Crossing Reality A2.The Sea - Seven Years Voyage - A3. Kaeru 2022 A4. Blackberry Winter (feat.Milena Casado)B1. The PreconsciousB2. dreams of the wind(feat.Remy Le Boeuf)B3. green and windsB4. THE VENDING MACHINE ‒ with DRINK music
Track List
A1. Crossing Reality A2.The Sea - Seven Years Voyage - A3. Kaeru 2022 A4. Blackberry Winter (feat.Milena Casado)B1. The PreconsciousB2. dreams of the wind(feat.Remy Le Boeuf)B3. green and windsB4. THE VENDING MACHINE ‒ with DRINK music
仙台市出身。作曲家・伴盤奏者。東北大学卒業後、紆余曲折を経てバークリー音楽大学へ入学。ジャズ作曲と映像音楽、ゲーム音楽を専攻し首席で卒業。世界観を大切に作られた楽 曲は国際的にも評 価されている。2019ASCAP Foundation Herb Alpert Young Jazz ComposerAward、2020 ISJAC/USF Owen Prize を受賞! 2020 年 7月には、仙台を小旅行するというコンセプトでジャズアンサンブルと環境音を掛け合わせた全4楽章からなる組曲「Sound Map ←2020→ Sendai」を発表。ノネット編成をはじめ弦楽器やマリンバを取り入れたアンサンブル、小編成のバンドなど自己プロジェクトによる表現を行うほか、ビッグバンド等のジャズアンサンブル、TVCM やwebムービー、演劇、ゲーム、また、TV・ラジオ各局への楽曲・アレンジ提供や出演も行っている。(『小曽根真feat. No Name Horses』、朗読劇『バイオーム』、NHK『あの日、何をしていましたか?』、日本テレビ『全日本大学女子駅伝』、khb『ぐりりのうた』、NEXCO 東日本、日本郵 政、サ ン ベ ン デ ィ ン グ 東 北、App ゲ ー ム『EGGRYPTO』など。)このほか、アートや心理学など他領域とのコラボ、ナレーション録音など多様な活動を行っている。2022 年秋、初のリーダーアルバムをリリース。
Artist Profile
Born in Sendai City. Composer and accompanist. After graduating from Tohoku University After graduating from Tohoku University, he entered Berklee College of Music. Jazz Composition, Film Music, and Game Music. He majored in jazz composition, film music, and video game music, and graduated at the top of his class. He graduated at the top of his class, specializing in jazz composition, film music, and video game music. His world-oriented compositions have received international acclaim. ASCAP Foundation Herb Alpert Young Jazz Composer 2019 ASCAP Foundation Herb Alpert Young Jazz Composer Award, 2020 ISJAC/USF Owen Prize! In July 2020, he will make a short trip to Sendai. In July 2020, the group will present a jazz ensemble and environmental music performance based on the concept of a short trip to Sendai. In July 2020, he will perform "Sound Map ←2020", a four-movement suite that combines jazz ensemble and environmental sounds based on the concept of a short trip to Sendai. In July 2020, he will present "Sound Map ←2020→ Sendai", a suite of four movements combining jazz ensemble and environmental sounds based on the concept of a short trip to Sendai. Nonet's arrangement, strings and marimba The ensemble incorporates stringed instruments and marimba, including a nonet arrangement, expression through self-projects such as nonet arrangements, ensembles with strings and marimba, small bands, etc. In addition, he has performed in jazz ensembles such as big bands, TV commercials, web movies, plays, games, and TV commercials, web movies, plays, and games, as well as providing music and arrangements for TV and radio stations. He also provides music and arrangements for TV commercials, web movies, plays, games, and appears on TV and radio stations. (He has also provided music and arrangements for TV commercials, web movies, plays, and games, as well as for TV and radio stations. No Name Horses", reading play "Biome", NHK's "Ah! NHK's "What did you do on that day? (NHK's "What did you do that day?", Nippon Television Network Corporation's "All Japan University Women's Ekiden (All Japan University Women's Road Relay), Khb "Guriri Uta", NEXCO East Japan, Japan Post, San Ben de Japan Post, Sun Bending Tohoku, App Game, "EGGRYPTO," NHK, "What did you do on the day you were born? EGGRYPTO, etc.). In addition, we have collaborated with other fields such as art and psychology, and recorded narrations. In addition, he has collaborated with other fields such as art and psychology, and recorded narrations for a variety of activities. In the fall of 2022, he released his first leader album, which sold out in no time.