2021/8/28 on Sale
2016年3月結成。鈴木まりこ(vo)、青山慎司(gt)、eric(dr)からなるキャンディーボイスと煌めくサウンドによるポストJ-POPバンド『cinnamons』。タワーレコード新宿店限定発売した『a.m.e EP』が注目を集め、NHKへの楽曲提供や複数のテレビCMのタイアップを担当。レーベルメイトのevening cinemaとのコラボ曲「summertime」が日本をはじめベトナム、フィリピン、シンガポール、タイ、マレーシアなど東南アジア各国のSpotify"バイラルトップ50"にチャートイン。ベトナムで1位、フィリピンで2位を記録し今もなおSNSを中心に拡散が続いている。
[evening cinema]
70~80年代の日本のCity Popを、90年代のJ-Pop風に再構築させたサウンドが特徴。
2016年7月、1stミニアルバム 「Almost Blue」で LUCK by Ano(t)raks よりデビュー。2020年8月には日中共同レーベル Luuv Label / Ano(t)raks よりミニアルバム「AETHETICS」がリリース.
Artist Profile
Formed in March 2016. Post J-Pop band "cinnamons" with a candy voice and sparkling sound consisting of Mariko Suzuki (vo), Shinji Aoyama (gt), and eric (dr). The band's "a.m.e EP", released exclusively at Tower Records Shinjuku, has attracted attention, and they have provided music for NHK and tie-ins for several TV commercials. The song "summertime," a collaboration with labelmate evering cinema, charted in the "viral top 50" on Spotify in Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and other Southeast Asian countries. The song reached No. 1 in Vietnam and No. 2 in the Philippines, and is still
[evening cinema]
Formed in August 2015 while still in college, led by vocalist and composer Natsuki Harada.
The band's sound is characterized by a reworking of 70s-80s Japanese city pop in the style of 90s J-Pop, with homages to beloved Yasuyuki Okamura sprinkled throughout. He has received a lot of attention in the music industry, with music professionals praising his talent on TV programs.
In July 2016, his first mini-album "Almost Blue" debuted on LUCK by Ano(t)raks, and in August 2020, his mini-album "AETHETICS" will be released on the Japan-China joint label Luuv Label / Ano(t)raks.
cinnamons × evening cinema
cinnamons × evening cinema
summertime / 冬のトキメキ
summertime / fuyunotokimeki
- フォーマット
- 7inch
- 販売価格
- 1800円 (税込1980円)
- 品番
- ANO-80
- JANコード
- 4526180573777
The song "Kimi no Toriko ni" was a big hit mainly in Southeast Asia, and was the 7th most listened to song in Japan on Spotify in 2020. Don't miss this rare opportunity to collect it in a handy form!
Side A:1.summertime Side B:冬のトキメキ
Track List
Side A:1.summertime Side B:fuyunotokimeki
2016年3月結成。鈴木まりこ(vo)、青山慎司(gt)、eric(dr)からなるキャンディーボイスと煌めくサウンドによるポストJ-POPバンド『cinnamons』。タワーレコード新宿店限定発売した『a.m.e EP』が注目を集め、NHKへの楽曲提供や複数のテレビCMのタイアップを担当。レーベルメイトのevening cinemaとのコラボ曲「summertime」が日本をはじめベトナム、フィリピン、シンガポール、タイ、マレーシアなど東南アジア各国のSpotify"バイラルトップ50"にチャートイン。ベトナムで1位、フィリピンで2位を記録し今もなおSNSを中心に拡散が続いている。
[evening cinema]
70~80年代の日本のCity Popを、90年代のJ-Pop風に再構築させたサウンドが特徴。
2016年7月、1stミニアルバム 「Almost Blue」で LUCK by Ano(t)raks よりデビュー。2020年8月には日中共同レーベル Luuv Label / Ano(t)raks よりミニアルバム「AETHETICS」がリリース.
Artist Profile
Formed in March 2016. Post J-Pop band "cinnamons" with a candy voice and sparkling sound consisting of Mariko Suzuki (vo), Shinji Aoyama (gt), and eric (dr). The band's "a.m.e EP", released exclusively at Tower Records Shinjuku, has attracted attention, and they have provided music for NHK and tie-ins for several TV commercials. The song "summertime," a collaboration with labelmate evering cinema, charted in the "viral top 50" on Spotify in Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and other Southeast Asian countries. The song reached No. 1 in Vietnam and No. 2 in the Philippines, and is still
[evening cinema]
Formed in August 2015 while still in college, led by vocalist and composer Natsuki Harada.
The band's sound is characterized by a reworking of 70s-80s Japanese city pop in the style of 90s J-Pop, with homages to beloved Yasuyuki Okamura sprinkled throughout. He has received a lot of attention in the music industry, with music professionals praising his talent on TV programs.
In July 2016, his first mini-album "Almost Blue" debuted on LUCK by Ano(t)raks, and in August 2020, his mini-album "AETHETICS" will be released on the Japan-China joint label Luuv Label / Ano(t)raks.